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Drool when you sleep? Don’t treat it lightly
Release time:2015-08-07 15:31:43

    Have you ever found that there is a lot of saliva settling on the pillow after you fell into a deep sleep? Today i will promote the popular science of what causes the problem of drooling when you fell asleep.


    1. Wrong sleep position

    Drooling when you sleep may be caused by wrong sleep position, like sleeping at the desk, sleeping on the side and so on. In this case, you just need to change your sleep position appropriately to reduce drooling.

    2. Oral diseases

    Because of the genetic factor and the acquired ill habits, like biting the nails, wagging tongue, biting a pencil, etc.,the front teeth deformed, then caused drooling.the humidity and temperature in the mouth are good for the growing of bacteria, and the accumulation of food debris or carbohydrates, and it causes decayed tooth and periodontosis. Those negative factors stimulate your drooling when you sleep. 

    If you found that your saliva is salty, and the pillow became faint yellow, it could well be caused by poor oral hygiene. If there is an ulcer in your mouth cavity, the stimuli of pain would promote salivation and cause to drool. In this case, you can take medicine to promote the ulcer healing, then the situation of drooling would automatically disappear.

    3. Hyper-excitation

    Physical fatigue, strain in the brain or took some medicine may cause the nervous disorder. Then the brain will send wrong signal, and cause to the increased secretion of saliva. In this case, you should start with adjusting life and dietary habit, avoid overeating or skip meals, and rest well. Eat more barley, lotus seed, Chinese yam, hyacinth bean, carrot, mushroom, jujube, etc.

    4. Abnormal function in spleen and stomach

    TCM holds that drooling is one manifestation of the abnormal function in spleen and stomach. This kind of situation common in the  weaken of motor function, retention of water, dampness-heat of spleen and stomach, or food that remains in the stomach descended and stomach heat went up, so-called “Inharmonious stomach leads to insomnia”.

    5. Facial neuritis or apoplexy

    If you suddenly drool after your face was in cold, got in a draught or caught a cold, you have to be alert. You can smile in the mirror, if you found your mouth askew, or your eyes can not keep closed, have a headache, etc.,they may be the precursors for facial neuritis or apoplexy, and we suggest you to go to the hospital for examination.


    What do we do for drooling when we sleep?

    From the causes above which may induce drool when sleep, you can judge which one you belong to, then suit the remedy to the case, and as the medicine took effect, the symptoms lessened. Tomorrow, when you wake up after a sound sleep, you will find that your pillow keeps dry still. 

    1. First of all, you must correct your sleep position. Do not sleep at the desk or lean against chair, because it causes drool easily. You'd better adjust to a good sleep position, which lie flat in the bed or lie on your right side a little.

    2. You'd better not to eat before you sleep. Instead, you should brush your teeth or rinse your mouth and clean your oral cavity with dental floss. We suggest you use mouthwashes for one or two minutes after brushing your teeth to make sure you have no taste in your mouth.

    3. It may also cause drooling when sleep if you have malposition of upper and lower teeth. In this case, you'd better go to the hospital to check whether you have deformity teeth or not. If you do, please do the teeth rectification as soon as possible.

    4. Also, if there are some problems with your spleen, you can try some traditional Chinese medicine or food which can tonify spleen, like lotus seed, corn, jujube, Chinese yam, honey and so on. Especial for porridge with lotus seed and jujube in it, which has really great effect of tonifying aspleen.

    5. Besides, diseases may also cause drooling when sleep, for instance, periodontitis and some nerve disease. In this case, you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

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