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7 Tips for Whitening Your Teeth
Release time:2015-08-10 14:41:20

  Some people have too much calculus to get bright and health smile because of smoking and drinking tea in daily life. Today Meigeer Dental will introduce 7 little teeth whitening tips for your confident and bright smiles.


1. Vinegar can remove calculus and smoke spot.

   It’s difficult to remove the smoke spot by toothpaste for heavy smokers. Brushing with vinegar can help you to remove calculus. Rinse your mouth with vinegar in your oral cavity for2~3 minutes, spit out and then brush heavily. At last wash your mouth with water. Repeat this action for several times can remove smoke spot.

2.Orange peel can be used as toothpaste.

   Grind orange peel into tiny smalls and put some into toothpaste. This can make your teeth white and smell good. Insist to do this can strengthen your teeth since orange peel has the function of extinguishing bacteria.

3. Bone powder of inkfish can whiten teeth.

   Using bone powder of inkfish to brush teeth can change teeth from yellow to white.

4. Using baking soda can make teeth white.

   Wet your toothbrush with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and brush teeth in ordinary way for 3 minutes everytime, once or twice in a week.

5. Using lemon juice can whiten teeth.

   After brushing your teeth everynight, rub your teeth with gauze which is wet by lemon juice. Lemon has strong cleaning and whitening power, besides, it is full of vitamin C which can strengthen teeth root.

6. Strawberry

   Crumb strawberry to brush teeth or cut strawberry into pieces to rub teeth. Insist for about one week will give you obvious teeth whitening experience. Then you can just do this once in a while in the future.

7. Salt

   Stain some salt when you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste in the morning and at night. Insist for about one week will give you obvious teeth whitening experience. You can just edible salt which is cheap and has no side effects. Or you can choose salted toothpaste.

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